The BMS Lab
Where technology meets life.
Universiteit Twente, Cubicus, De Zul 10
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
The BMS Lab is the catalyst for social science innovation and advancement at the University of Twente. They are funded by the university to support the work of BMS faculty staff members and students.
Technology can be a driving force of innovation and inspiration in society. In science, it too can have a great impact and offer great opportunities. The mission of the BMS Lab is to infuse social sciences and technology by providing a research platform, consultancy, services, and lendable resources. Their core values are fostering cutting-edge research and educating the generation of tomorrow. With 800 m2 high-end lab facilities, a plethora of innovative equipment to carry out research, a mobile lab, and great team, The BMS Lab has facilitated and enhanced the cooperation of over 400 people across more than 250 projects yearly and an ever-growing research output.