Naturally a university is a place where you would expect to find many bright minds. The University of Twente is no exception. But this institution also generates all kinds of entrepreneurs. They founded start-ups, which grew to well-established businesses that we all know. The University of Twente appears to be a fertile ground for successful entrepreneurship.

Lust for innovation 

Commercial interests already played a big part in the establishment of the University of Twente, 60 years ago. At that time, manufacturers and producers in the textile industry experienced fierce competition from low-wage countries. They had an urgent need for engineers. Smart people who could boost innovations. A local technical university would be a great place to harvest them. Thanks to the hard work of the Twente lobby both the general public and businesses showed strong support for a technical university in Twente. Money was provided and the estate of Landgoed Drienerlo, between Hengelo and Enschede, offered enough space to build a campus. Thus the seeds for our innovative mindset were planted. As of today, more dan 12,000 students use those early roots as building blocks for their own future.

Ongoing growth

Pioneering. It is obviously something we do well in Twente. Although we certainly are clever enough to convert those innovative ideas into economic opportunities. Of all the scientific inventions that were created and discovered at the University of Twente, 15 to 25 lead to business spin-offs. Every year. What better example of innovation and growth can we give? Besides, entrepreneurship is more than just technology. Quite a number of university alumni are entrepreneurs of some sort. In addition to Xsens and Demcon, both and Just Eat Takeaway are rooted at the University of Twente. So, are you wondering now what the next success from Twente is going to be? Chances are the brightest minds at the university are planting their creative seeds right at this very moment.