Stanislaus Brewskovitch brews craft beer... but you could just as well say that they brew opportunities. You’ll find them in the centre of Enschede with their very own brewery and pub, and they’re looking to take things even higher at Airport Twente, where they’re cooking up plans for their own gin and rum distillery.

From shop to brew pub and pop-up hospitality 

It all started in 2015 with a shop and a mission to showcase other craft beers. Soon, however, the beer landscape changed, as craft beer conquered a larger share of the market. This spawned the idea of a brand of their own. And not just any brand, because their love for beer seemed to be equalled only by their love for Enschede. Stanislaus Brewskovitch represents the craft beer culture and the desire to make Enschede a better place. Why? It’s all good and well to be a university city, but there are many more people who call Enschede home, and they need a place to have a good time too! We now have a 300-seater brew pub, pop-up hospitality venues such as the Sjikkertuin on Wilminkplein, craft beer festivals and much more. Mission accomplished right?

Can do attitude in a can 

This craft beer brewer has a penchant for collaborations. With Enschede Promotie attempting to reinvent Enschede with creativity and entrepreneurship, Stanislaus Brewskovitch just had to play a part. Their latest NEIPA is rather special: New Enschede IPA. Time for a toast! Get one for yourself or give someone else a taste of Enschede’s can-do attitude.